

How to install it ?

Just include a line in the header of your website :

(or at the bottom of your body if you want your website to load faster)

<script type="text/javascript" type="module" src="path/to/recorder.js"></script>

If you are looking for the minified version, it can be found under min folder. To include the minified version, you can do:

<script type="text/javascript" type="module" src="path/to/recorder.min.js"></script>

See here for mor info about the minified version.

The script takes care of the rest.

Customize it as you want:

The script has a basic configuration, but here is what you can customize:

  • position (default is "bottom-right") list of avaibalble position:
    • bottom
    • bottom-right
    • bottom-left
    • top
    • top-right
    • top-left
    • middle
    • middle-right
    • middle-left
  • if the buttons are movable (default is true)
  • if the log is printed or not (default is true)
  • Color of the record Button (The main Button) (default is red);
  • Color of the pause / download Button (default is yellow);

More documentation

To build the documentation, you need jsdoc.

Once installed, you can build the documentation using: jsdoc srcs/*.js README.md -d docs/generated-doc/

You will find it under the docs folder, in HTML format. (here)

The minified version

To make the minified version, you need Uglifyjs-folder.

Once installed, you can use it doing: uglifyjs-folder -e -o min/ srcs/

Licences and credits

This project use the following libraries:





Because the images we use are free, here is the websites where we found them:

  • https://www.flaticon.com
  • https://material.io/resources/icons
  • https://icons8.com/